How Long Does Carpet Last and When to replace it?
When you arrive to buy a carpet, the question will naturally strike your mind, "Do the carpets expire?", "How long will I be able to use the carpet?" Two look-alike carpets may differ in terms of their lifespan, and it will depend mainly on how the carpet was made, the material and technique employed, and the density of fibers. Do the carpets expire? – What is the average carpet lifespan? On average, a carpet's lifespan lies between 3 to 5 years. You can split it into three categories – Low-grade, medium-quality, and high-grade carpets, which can last 1-5 years, 5-10, and 10-25 years, respectively. Things that determine carpet lifespan Wear and tear- After how long a carpet expires depends on the wear and tear of the rug, which in turn depends on how rigorous conditions it is exposed to. If your carpet gets a lot of foot traffic, children's run on it now and then, and pet claws pounce on it very often, it is highly likely that your carpet will expire early. ...